I have long preferred the expression, "crony socialism". I do not recall where I first read it, though I instantly appropriated it. If it involves government, that confers the rubric of socialism. Ostensibly "capitalist" interests forging connections to perpetuate the socialist revenue stream doesn't make the transaction "capitalist". Lincoln's comment about a dog's tail comes to mind (actually, it was a calf's tail).

In a similar vein, I have for decades asserted that we have to rein in corporate welfare before we can tackle individual welfare. Corporate welfare is de facto crony socialism.

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This is fantastic!

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Thanks, Joy.

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How did you arrive at "4 likes" as the time-effort to post the remaining installments?

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By a completely scientific methodology. Actually. 5 likes. (More than 4.) :-)

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Why not a 10?

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The shouting down.

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