I agree that less than 50% of all economists have any significant/actually true understanding of who Hayek was, for sure... pretty far from the 99% claimed by Autor.

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Sep 17Liked by David R. Henderson

Amen, David!

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My Dad was a fan of Hayek. I agree with Dr. Henderson, a majority professors of economics probably never heard of Hayek and confuse him with renting a kayak. The most disturbing thing was the AEA deciding instead to have a session with Ben Bernanke. The author of the Wall Street Journal Opinion piece says: "He (Bernanke) also left $4.4 trillion in liabilities on the Fed’s balance sheet due to quantitative easing. More significantly, Mr. Bernanke (and his predecessor, Alan Greenspan) did nothing to curtail the out-of-control no-doc and subprime mortgage business in the lead up to the financial crisis. Most bank presidents would be fired for such mismanagement, but government officials somehow survive and win Nobel Prizes.". I heard Mr. Bernanke speak in 2010 and came away feeling he wanted us to thank him for saving civilization.

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“a majority professors of economics probably never heard of Hayek…”

Oh, c’mon now. A majority of economics *professors* have never *heard of* Hayek? Since from the rest of your comment, you clearly aren’t doing satire, that’s a bit much.

Now I DO agree with Henderson on his guess about the ceiling on the percentage of AEA members/economists who have *read* him…

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Or confuse him with a beautiful actress.

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Sep 17Liked by David R. Henderson

Agreed. We read lots of elitist interventionist stuff throughout my undergrad and grad courses, but never any Hayek.

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You don't get to choose any readings?

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Because the econ, history and government departments were not teaching what I wanted to learn I created my own "Multi-Field Major" when I was an undergrad. It allowed me to read almost as much of Hayek, Mises and other greats that were not on the regular major program, as I could work in. I have never regretted the extra work and lack of a "normal" major since then!!!!

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