The NDP are firmly behind public unions, which detest competition.

Not even the lefty PCs did anything to retract some of the socialist hold over the economy.

Don't expect much to change unless one leaves Canada, as you did.

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“ it would be interesting to get data, which I’m sure the Manitoba government has, on the average amount spent per visit. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that it has risen substantially.‘

But leftists would argue that this is a *good* thing, since fewer trips means helping to save the planet…

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I'm not sure the concentrated benefit is Manitoba liquor store employees. In the referenced article from Alberta, the first paragraph mentioned that privatizing created many more jobs. Granted, no one likes change so the current employees might resist just because but I suspect most realize they'll just get a job at the public packie.

The real beneficiaries are the managers and bureaucrats who get to play like they're running a business without all the stress of actually running a business. And the politicians who no doubt skim off some of the revenue to put in a slush fund.

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